Saturday, March 10, 2007

1000's of photos!

I've noticed... as I go to my albums to find pictures of my children... what a difference there is between then... 60's & 70's.. and now.

When my kids were young, film was very expensive. And to develop them... WOW! Not everyone even had a camera. And if they did, it was probably a little point and click.

I know that is unbelievable, but true! So, when I took pictures of birthday parties... it was probably one or two pictures. This year, Michael only got a picture, because Hubby had to send a roll of police film to develop, so took a photo for me. Black & white, but a picture that I treasure.

But now, people have digital camera and computers and printers. They take 100's of photos without a blink. Things that were not even dreamed of in my childhood, except maybe by Dick Tracy.

Now I, too, have a wonderful digital camera, and the 100's of photos I can take at one event, will probably be of flowers, dogs & cats, or hubby. Occasionally I can take some of the kids... but they are old now, and not nearly as cute as they were twenty or thirty years ago. My kids refuse to reproduce... although that might be good for the gene pool. ;)

Here is the layout I made from the one photo of his birthday. The kit is from Laura Pitman, with the cake from Doris Castle. I cropped three photos from the one picture... making the layout a bit more balanced. I was tired of all those one-photo layouts I've done lately.

1 comment:

blessedmama said...

that is soooo cute, olive! and i agree about the film...we found old undeveloped film mom had lying around....

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from around Louisville, Kentucky, United States