Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year's Eve

We had a lovely sunset today. I thought it was a lovely ending to a year.
I tried to take a photo of it, but the trees kept getting in the way. I scraped it about seven times, never getting the look I wanted.

Poor Lulu
Our little cat was operated on four times this last month, then the vet said she had a rapidly growing cancer on her head. So we had her put to sleep on Dec 27th. The photo below shows her after an operation sleeping with Shebie and I.
Lulu was the daughter of an outside cat. We tried to give her away several times, but she wouldn't go away as a kitten. Very skiddish and needy.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas is almost here!

Hubby took this photo of me & the cats taking a 'cat' nap yesterday afternoon. With everything that has to get done before Christmas eve... I really thought about staying in bed!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


When did that happen? I've been busy with so many urgent and emergency situations that I have barely looked online. I think maybe things will calm down soon. I put in my resignation at work, and looking forward to some REAL retirement time.
I went to the church's children Christmas play Wednesday. I love seeing the wiseman taking baby Jesus out and banging him on the floor. And Mary pulling her dress up over her head. Well.. you get the idea. I did make a layout using a tree template by Christie Lemmon.
Hope to make a few more... We'll see!

What? About me?

from around Louisville, Kentucky, United States