Sunday, December 09, 2007

100 Years

I love this song. I just downloaded it for my ringtone. Nice we can do these things now.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

uggg... maybe I'll die!

I had a little surgery Wednesday. I had to look to see exactly what they did to me, besides rotter-router my sinuses. Shame when you let a doctor operate on you and not even sure exactly what he is doing!
The goal of the surgery is to correct any structural problems within the nose and sinuses as well as to eliminate blockage by removing thickened tissue creating wider drainage channels.
Exactly like I thought! Rotter-router!

Wednesday I thought I'd die... but Thursday I was hoping to die... and then Friday... I was afraid I wouldn't die. But today... I feel bad but not like killing myself!

What? About me?

from around Louisville, Kentucky, United States