Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Chuck a rock...

What a fun day... so far. It's warm and sunny, with just a touch of a breeze. And that means I can't go outside... the maple, pear and redbud trees are blooming. Pollen alergies!

Oh! And a warning. Don't let your thoughts drift in church: Today our new minister was talking about his visit to the holy lands and said he was standing on a hill overlooking Jerusalem, so close he could have "chuck a rock" to the temple. I got so tickled I about chocked! All I could think of was Ernest T.

Ray gave me a dirty look to make me quit laughing, but LAST WEEK... when the preacher started his closing prayer, he started, "Oh God!" and Ray thought of the prayer for the poor farmer in the beginning of "Paint your Wagon."

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's a New Day!

It's a new year and lots of things have happened. Guess I've started a new me. I'm not sure how I will turn out by the end of this year, but I know I will not be the same.

I left the scrapbooking world. I just didn't have that many pictures to scrap, and all the kits were beginning to seem the same. I thought about selling kits, but I think that would just be adding to the problem of lack of creativity.

I've retired from my job as the secretary of our church. I had been frustrated for about as long as Bert was our preacher. He didn't even try to be a pastor. I was tired of trying to keep the church on track with a immense lack of communication and resentment. I was beginning to hate me and my life. Then Bert resigned (hooray!) but my feelings of resentment did not seem to improve that much, so it was time for a change. I had lost my religion and beginning to dread going to work or church.

I made some rules with my retirement. First, I will be a better partner to my husband. He loves me to do things with him, so I have decided to work on ways we can be together more often. Maybe go stay on the shanty a few days when he is there. Also, I try not to let a day go by without doing something constructive (besides Mafia Wars on Facebook).

I can't say there has been much improvement yet. I've spent lots of time just sitting around - playing on the computer or cutting up material for quilts. I took a photography class, (which I loved), and bought some more equipment that I think I will really use. I haven't cooked much lately, I think mostly because I don't want to go shopping. I just have to decide what I want to do and then WORK at.

What? About me?

from around Louisville, Kentucky, United States