Sunday, April 05, 2009

Chuck a rock...

What a fun day... so far. It's warm and sunny, with just a touch of a breeze. And that means I can't go outside... the maple, pear and redbud trees are blooming. Pollen alergies!

Oh! And a warning. Don't let your thoughts drift in church: Today our new minister was talking about his visit to the holy lands and said he was standing on a hill overlooking Jerusalem, so close he could have "chuck a rock" to the temple. I got so tickled I about chocked! All I could think of was Ernest T.

Ray gave me a dirty look to make me quit laughing, but LAST WEEK... when the preacher started his closing prayer, he started, "Oh God!" and Ray thought of the prayer for the poor farmer in the beginning of "Paint your Wagon."

What? About me?

from around Louisville, Kentucky, United States