Thursday, May 31, 2007


Wow... it doesn't seem that long. But it has been a busy month.. what with the kids visiting and Mother's Day and my Birthday (which I try to make last until Mother's Day!) And my laptop acting up all the time! I've downloaded a couple of kits from Monica Larsen's wonderful collection.. and now I got to get busy.

I resigned from the Creative Team at Rakscraps. I'm just not creative enough to design! (I'll leave that to my wonderful designers!) I am on the sponsor's team now... and that is a lot of fun! Every time a newsletter comes out, I feel famous! (Where is that little green smile?)

Michael & Marie came up for a visit through Memorial Day. Michael finally got Ray's laptop up and running ok... and I upgraded my dsl... and baby I'm flying! I hope to be back posting and doing layouts like crazy now! Here's just a taste of what we did!

While I have been down and out, Monica has been busy designing and uploading! WOW that girl can design! Check out her new kits at www.wedoscraps. I downloaded her new action, "Tie a Flower" to try out. She has them for both personal and commercial use. Just LOOK at this! Isn't this cute? And so many variations! Check it out here!

What? About me?

from around Louisville, Kentucky, United States